„Only creating value for the patient is the solution“ (The PMA Founders).
The Precision Medicine Alliance (PMA) is the successor of the German Patient Initiative (DPI) founded in 2006 in Hamburg offering patients value-based healthcare solutions for equal or better services at less cost. Due to changes in the German healthcare regulations in 2012 the German Patient Initiative had to adopt its value proposition. Today, as PMA it focuses on establishing a comprehensive platform for precision medicine to deliver value-based solutions for patients based on molecular pathology and molecular medicine. PMA’s goal is to deliver an optimized outcome for patients that are today suffering from the deficiencies of imprecise medicine. We believe in the empowerment of patients to drive change in healthcare for an optimized outcome for every patient based on their individual molecular diagnosis: PRECISION MEDICINE FIRST.
To achieve our goal we welcome all stakeholders to our platform by connecting to our PMA Precision Medicine Value-chain to deliver value-based outcomes for patients. We navigate and empower patients towards precision medicine by enabling hospitals and practitioners to offer value-based precision medicine solutions for an optimal patient outcome and for a sustainable healthcare system.
We support the development of new treatments based on the individual molecular analysis of each patient, as each human being is unique. We advocate a new reimbursement scheme for healthcare insurances to offer incentives for Precision Medicine First for every patient and for our society.
We see academia as the knowledge base for building best practice centers of excellence that work on common global industry standards to facilitate learning and exchange of information. We support the education of young doctors to understand and apply precision medicine in their career for an optimal patient outcome.
The Founders
PMA was founded by the medical doctor Dr. Henri M. von Blanquet M.D., MaHM (Micha) and the businessman Diplom-Kaufmann Patrick E. Hofmann (Patrick) in Berlin April 22, 2017. Micha and Patrick have complementary skills and competencies together building a solid foundation for a global precision medicine alliance with sustainable access to their in the last decades builded strategic network in international health sciences business and society.
Micha & Patrick:
Micha was born 1964 in Geneva, Switzerland, and studied medicine in Heidelberg and Paris, he earned his “Dr.” in Immunology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Institute of Immunology of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. At the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel he earned an Master of Hospital Management; Summary of his professional career:
Since 2016 Founder of the Institute for Sustainable Precision Medicine Berlin and in 2017 of the Precision Medicine Alliance, Senior Medical Advisor of Orphoz GmbH & Co. KG a McKinsey Company in Berlin, former Medical Director Business Development (EMEA) of Molecular Health GmbH, Heidelberg & Berlin; previously Assistant to the CEO of Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, M & A Manager for the Marseille-Kliniken AG for the CEO and over 10 years professional experience in strategic and operative hospital management consulting, e.g. the Alerion Group AG, Planungsgruppe M+M AG and Lohfert & Lohfert AG. Before Micha practiced in clinical Oncology, Haematologie & Bown-Marrow-Transplantation.
„Profit with Non-Profit“: Since 2002 Founder & Chairman of SUENJHAID! The Health Captains – Networking for the Future of Health Sciences and since 2011 President of RUENJHAID! – Service for Humanity – Creating sustainable Leadership based on the Island of Foehr.
Micha is living together with his wife Marion von Blanquet on the Island of Foehr in North Germany and working on the continent in Hamburg and Berlin.
Micha is the father of two children for whom he is also taking the challenge of building “SUENJHAID! to RUENJHAID!” as an orientation- an leadership-platform for our upcoming generations and now to create on the business-platform of Precision Medicine Alliance a sustainable and scalable Precision Medicine Value Chain.
Patrick born in Bombay, India in 1965 and started his career as a business consultant at Arthur Andersen & Company in Hamburg and New York after graduating from WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Koblenz, Germany in 1990. Together Patrick worked for approx.15 years in leading management positions at Andresen, Coca-Cola, Tchibo and Herbalife before he started his career as an entrepreneur in the healthcare industry in 2006. He lives in Hamburg, Germany and is the father of three daughters. Patrick is member of SUENJHAID! The Health Captains – Networking for the Future of Health Sciences and RUENJHAID! – Service for Humanity – Creating sustainable Leadership.
As a consultant and co-investor he developed a deep understanding for restructuring healthcare providers and investing in healthcare assets. He has expertise in optimizing Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP) between hospital providers and municipalities, establishing new business models between patients and healthcare suppliers as well as managing international sales and distribution centers in cooperation with local partners. Patrick is a business strategist with a broad view for B2B and B2C opportunities driven by making things happen to improve the outcome for patients and healthcare providers.
He recognized early that empowered patients are the driving forces for change and took over the German Patient Initiative in 2007 to develop a platform for patients by connecting healthcare suppliers to offer cost effective services for patients with chronic diseases. The business model was based on memberships from patients to consolidate their purchasing power to negotiate better prices for medicine, dental care and rehabilitation. Patients would receive equal or better services at less cost. In 2012 German healthcare regulations changed, prohibiting healthcare suppliers to offer rebates or lower prices for pharmaceutical products and healthcare services directly to patients.
In 2015 Patrick co-founded Cryobank24 to establish a full service cryologistics company. It became apparent to him that the flawless integrity of the biological specimen of each individual patient is an indispensable prerequisite for the quality of a comprehensive molecular medicine – remember:
Steve Jobs – the founder of Apple – said: „The next global innovation wave will come out of the crossover of biology and information technology“, in other words:
„Value-based Precision Medicine is Biology first, IT second“. (The PMA Founders).
In this context Micha & Patrick joined forces to develop the PMA precision medicine value-chain that starts with the collection and preparation of the biological samples followed by maintaining the flawless integrity during preservation by using fully automated storage systems to finally analyzing the biology by applying next-generation sequencing technology and big data analytics as well as modeling to define value-based treatments for an optimized outcome for patients. Precision handling of the biology is fundamental for delivering precision medicine.