PRECISION MEDICINE STUDENTS ALLIANCE To empower medical and health sciences students in molecular pathology, molecular biology, information technology as the basis for PRECISION MEDICINE is key. Today the new generations of young health sciences professionals need to get valuable input from the pioneers in precision medicine.

The integration of academia in the precision medicine value-chain is a key-goal of the PRECISION MEDICINE ALLIANCE – only by integrating academia the precision medicine value-circle will work: PRECISION MEDICINE will aggregate, integrate and anlyze biological information, drawing on vast collections of data to produce health advice and predictions, and disease diagnosis, tailored to the individual…

The Death Of “One Size Fits Many” Care Models Precision medicine promises a paradigm shift in care delivery. Applying precision medicine to the mainstream clinical workflow will eventually facilitate more predictive and preventive care by bringing better targeted therapies. By augmenting the process for differential diagnosis, clinicians can mitigate many of the inefficiencies that currently…

Precision Medicine Suppliers Only those Precision Medicine Suppliers that understand technology and the goals of value-based healthcare are able to create value in the precision medicine value-chain by offering value-based solutions and platforms to interpret and connect data points. There are a number of technology companies who work in the field of precision medicine and more will…

PRECISION MEDICINE PATIENTS ALLIANCE The empowerment of patients is the key driver towards PRECISION MEDICINE FIRST to optimize a measurable individual outcome for each patient based on a comprehensive molecular diagnosis of his/her specific disease. To make precision medicine mainstream the relationship between patients and physicians has to shift towards physicians enabling patients to be empowered. Patients & M.D.`s needs…

PRECISION MEDICINE HOSPITAL NETWORK The Precision Medicine Challenge for Hospital Providers PRECISION MEDICINE is a biomedical BIG-Data challenge The medical and hospital community is facing a paradigm-shift: Medicine is becoming molecular & digital. More and more empowered patients are demanding their medical doctors and hospital providers to offer a complete range of treatment options, including new molecular…

BE A MEDICAL LEADER IN PRECISION MEDICINE In 2000 when the Human Genome was the frist time accessable by the winnings of Craig Venter with Celera and the Human Genome Project our medicine is in transformation visible in the digitalisation and molecularistaion of medicine. 150 years from Virchow to Venter: 150 years ago Virchow started…

VALUE-BASED PRECISION MEDICINE GENERATES MEASURABLE OUTCOMES FOR EVERY MEDICAL TREATMENT BASED ON MOLECULAR ANALYTICS Precision medicine generates sustainable benefits for health insurance companies. To assess the effectiveness of individual drug treatments it is necessary to measure the outcome for the patient. Is it meaningful and safe? Are medical treatments as far as possible without side effects as…

SOLUTIONS FOR VALUE-BASED PRECISION MEDICINE PRECISION MEDICINE ALLIANCE is an Berlin founded international network-alliance at the forefront of Precision Medicine to connect on ist value-based Platform directly Patients, Medical Doctors, Hospital Providers, Healthcare Insurances, Precision Medicine Suppliers, Pharma, Academia and Students to implement PRECISION MEDICINE FIRST into the medical and clinical world fort he…
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