RUENJHAID! is focused on the cultivation and activation of a sustainable Leadership for Concerned Citizens:

Think-Tank and Network for the Future of “Sustainable Leadership”:

Leadership Compass” according to Hinterhuber et al. (1998); Repesenting responsibilities that can not be delegated by leaders. The leadership factor “Wellbeing” as the anchor point of the “compass needle” essentially involves the self-management and an authentic and balanced leadership personality as prerequisite for “healthy” leadership.


RUENJHAID! promotes healthy leadership in healthy organizations. The wellbeing of The Health Captain is the inner dimension of leadership and according to Hinterhuber et al. (The leadership wheel: the tasks entrepreneurs and senior executives can not delegate, Strategic Change 7, 149-162 – 1998) wellbeing has six dimensions:

  1. Health – The Physical Dimension
  2. Financial security – The Material Dimension
  3. A fulfilling and satisfying task that promotes personal development and learning – The Intellectual Dimension
  4. Love, affection, good family relationships, friends – The Emotional Dimension
  5. Contribution to society’s – The Social Dimension
  6. The meaning of life – The Spiritual Dimension


One goal in the constitution of RUENJHAID!  is the establishment of an international multiprofessional and multistakeholder Leadership-Academy for Health Sciences on the North Frisian Seafarers’ Islands Foehr as an independent SUENJHAID!-Foundation, following the example of the historic Foehr naviagtionschools, which took place between the 16th and 18th century with an outcome over 2.000 Captains and also following the successful organizational principle of the Baden-Baden Entrepreneurship Talks – www.bbug.de –


360-degree leadership personalities – future “Captains” for the Health-, Art-, Music-, Sport-, Creative-, Cultural Sciences and Business.